
Our practice is informed by partnerships with academic institutions, participation in design competitions and advocacy through talks and publications.

Our practice is informed by partnerships with academic institutions, participation in design competitions and advocacy through talks and publications.


UTS School of Architecture

As adjunct professor at the UTS School of Architecture, Mark advises on curriculum, participates in design reviews and convenes selected studios.


There are multiple grids that make up the modern city, these are networks of different types. Some, like the power or transport grids exist and are accepted, utilized each day and only questioned when they fail. Some, like the Green Grid are tangible and close to what people know, but are as yet not regarded as essential like power or water. Others like the Ochre Grid or Ecological Grid are barely legible, containing culture and life of the landscape within their deep memory.

There is an opportunity to draw the unseen grids into the tangible experience of place, remaking a deeper connection to country for citizens of modern Sydney. Beyond a simple link or spatial connection, a revived culture of ecological system stewardship and Caring for Country can and should be inspired by the design of the public face of the city.

This idea can be realized only through precise strategic system connectivity at a city scale, linked seamlessly to seductive composition and form at a site scale. This proposition outlines a design process Tyrrell Studio are developing.

This process organizes city scale grids with clarity through sieving and thinning of mega spatial data, whilst at the same time thickening the layers of the meaning of landscape through collage, overlay and citizen engagement. Surfaced through this process are possible connection points between site and system to catalyse major urban and cultural transformation.

Lectures and speaking engagements

Mark's keynote for the University of Adelaide Symposium was entitled 'Green Grids and Civic Networks: insights into the design and implementation of metropolitan green infrastructure'

World Urban Parks Congress 2021

Connecting with Country webinar 2020

New Water Cities in the Asia Pacific Region virtual symposium 25 June 2020


Disappearing act: Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club Courtyard

Tyrrell Studio’s design for a new surf life saving club in the north of Sydney creates spaces for community gathering while blurring the line between building and beach.

Dynamism and flux: Tyrrell Studio

Tyrrell Studio’s expanding folio of public realm projects reads as an “open-source code book,” with heavily researched projects that trade fanfare for broader change.

Parkland visions: Designing the Western Sydney Aerotropolis

If the Western Sydney Aerotropolis is to deliver on its economic promises, this major development must attract residents, workers and visitors – and a landscape-led approach has much to offer.

Diepsloot slum upgrade by Global Studio

Diepsloot in Johannesburg was established in 1995 as a temporary transit camp and is now home to 160,000 people. For its special Connecting People and Place issue, Landscape Architecture Australia caught up with Mark Tyrrell of Global Studio, who worked closely with residents, community groups and local government to help improve daily life for Diepsloot residents.

Ten emerging voices in Australian landscape architecture

Today’s graduates and young practitioners face very different challenges to the generation before them. What contribution will they make over the next fifty years? The following people have been selected because they represent a wide cohort of engaged landscape architects and collaborators facing contemporary issues with eyes wide open.

Listen to Mark’s interview on ABC Radio after winning the AILA National Award of Excellence for Parks and Open Space in June 2020

Recent Journal Articles

Unbuilding Utopia

With our cities changing more rapidly than ever before, especially post-pandemic, we face complex design problems that are larger than one building or one solution. Unbuilt work, says Mark Tyrrell, has the ability to link spatial visioning in a new way with the complex social, political and cultural reality of the evolving city.


We use design competitions to explore ideas and test new research. Some of our winning entries have resulted in productive client relationships, providing the opportunity to further develop the ideas and test them in practice. We are continually searching for catalyst projects to challenge the status quo and demonstrate new thinking.

Design Competition Winning Projects:

Winner: University of Canberra Campus Design Competition

Winner: Moorabbin Junction Melbourne Design Competition (pictured above)

Winner: Parramatta City ‘Ideas on Edge’ Design Competition

Winner: AILA National Unbuilt Work Competition

Interested in learning more about about Tyrrell Studio? Get in touch